Movie: Coraline


We watched a movie last night, never heard of it before, “Coraline”.  It was supposed to be a kids movie, but I don’t think so. It was pretty creepy and real good.

This little girl, Coraline, moves into a new house with her parents. She’s bored and he parents don’t seem to pay much attention to her.

Coraline discovers a little door that has been wallpapered over. She finds the key, and opens the door, but underneath, it’s been bricked up too. Later that night she wakes up and follows some mice to the door. She opens it and the bricks are gone and there’s a tunnel. The crawls through the tunnel, and seems to be in the same place when she comes out, but everything’s a little different.

Definitely worth watching, definitely. Weird tale, good plot, stretches the imagination and really good animation make this a must see.

Have a good day!

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