Loss of Advantage

Several months ago, I started getting up at 4:45 instead of 5 till 5. At first it was wonderful, I had all this extra time. Now suddenly it seems like I don’t have so much extra time anymore. I barely have time to post my post before I have to run out the door. When I was married I got up at 4:20 a.m. to take care of all the stuff they need to be taken care of. Things are much better now, time wise but I do wish I wasn’t so rushed in the morning.

Also I don’t seem to have time for longer posts. I guess I’ll have to do more preparation in advance.

Until then, have a wonderful day! I’m headed out to work.

One thought on “Loss of Advantage

  1. One reason I abandoned my previous blog about higher ed marketing was the time involved. The job took up so much of my time and energy, I didn’t have much gas in the tank to consistently post — not even short entries. Now that I’m retired and focused more on my writing pursuits, I hope to be more consistent.

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