On Being Invisible

I dreamed last night I was driving around and came to a very remote “park” at a long dead end. I expected it to be deserted, but there were people there. It was dark, but people were laying on the beach like it was sunny. Nobody seemed to notice me.

i walked around more, down gravel paths through scraggly trees. I found a circular “hole” cut in the ground with steps all around going down. Like a little mini arena where someone could give speeches to small crowds of people. The thought crossed my mind that I had walked into a cult, where the leader eventually says “drink the Kool Aid” and everybody drinks and everybody dies.

But I was immune. Nobody could see me. I wasn’t invisible, just unnoticeable, like so often in real life. I go somewhere, I don’t see anyone I recognize, I don’t talk to anyone, nobody talks to me. I take care of whatever I came to take care of and leave. Not invisible, but unseen.

The dream was kind of like growing up, I didn’t want to be noticed by my parents, if I did something they thought was bad, I’d be punished, if I did something they thought was good (rarely) they’d say “see, our strict discipline and punishments are very effective, aren’t you glad we forced you to do that good thing?” That’s not necessarily accurate, but how I.perceived things. I wanted to be invisible to my parents.

It was a weird dream, but at the same time, normal. I was the same me as I always am. I was sitting in a chair in the woods, last thing I remember in the dream, and it had gotten light. It was a lugubrious patch of woods, sticker-bush thorny trees and grey, cloudy light.

I’m glad I woke up here instead of there, because today is FRIDAY!

Have a great weekend!