
I’m just posting about 11-11-11 because everyone else is too, and besides, next year we have 12-12-12, then that’s it for a long long long time.
Yesterday at the new job was pretty good, and tomorrow is the Pirates Week Parade. Previously I was a Redcoat and a Pirate, this year I’m a “Float Parade Marshall.” I don’t know what that is, but I guess kind it’s kind of like back in the old west. I wonder what a Marshall does during parade after a vicious attack by viscous bunch of viscous pirates?
No Pirates better get in my way, er I’ll gun ’em down!Also, please notice that I posted this post at 11:11 on 11-11-11.

7 thoughts on “11-11-11

  1. You are very tricky posting at 11.11.11!! on 11.11.11.!! I thought a Parade Marshall sat in the booth on one of the TV stations and talked about the parade…lol…debbie

  2. There is a little girl here in NZ who was born at 11 minutes to 11 on the 11th of November 2000, so she turned 11 on 11/11/11. ALSO… she was the 11th Grandchild in her family!!! I could not see your photos! *sniff*. I'm sure you looked amazing.

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