It’s 2013, I just got used to writing 2012…
Had a good “weekend” we had a small New Years Eve party. It was quiet with lots of food. Finger food. Well, We were quiet, the neighbors had plenty of fireworks. Plus we had a couple of those Lucky Lanterns, like last year, Only this year it was much windier, and both lanterns crashed into trees and almost started fires……The Wife has been sick, first she had a bad bad cold, then she had (has) some kind of stomach virus. (Note to self: When someone has a stomach ache and can’t keep food down, give them Gummi Bears)
Gummi Bears are good and good for you.
I am a hero in the Ladybug world. I rescued yet another from our pool, which incidentally, was one year old yesterday. I find a lot of bugs in the pool, but not too many ladybugs. But when I do, they are usually still alive. The ladybugs in the US are red with black dots. Here, they are all red with no dots or all black with two giant red dots
New Years eve, I (we) stayed up till about 1:30 AM. Then I slept till 10, very late for me. Last night, we stayed up till midnight again, and it was hard to wake up this morning. Coffee coffee coffee. Plus I have some Red Bull at work, I love Red Bull! I feel a little dread, now the holidays are behind us, we have weeks of full work weeks ahead. I really like time off. If I had my ruthers, I’d work 10 hours a day for 4 days and take 3 off. Not this 5 and 2 crap.
Anyway, I’m just rambling on here, and could probably keep on, but I need to shut ‘er down for the day and get ready to get going.
Have a good week and an excellent 2013!
Happy New Year! We did not have a party. However, my father did. My daughters say he’s the world’s oldest teenager.
Well, Happy new year my friend! I am glad that you still follow me on Twitter. Yes, at the tail end of the year I was pretty much an online slacker. I am trying to get back to the blogging thing and hopefully…like yourself…I have found my blogging home. Sorry to hear about the wife…here is hoping she gets better soon. Being sick, sucks!
Have an excellent 2013. All of us at Arkham wish you and yours nothing but the best for this new year!
Happy New Year to you as well… it was quiet for me which is exactly what I need after an insanely busy holiday season! We did the typical Chinese Food tradition after finger foods but next year, I’m going with finger food all the way – we’re always too full afterwards anyway! Here’s to a new year – Cheers!
happy new year…I went to Wolf’s to celebrate with Inky and Anissa, but left at 11..drunks aren’t near as funny as they think they are..