The other week I decided to get new windshield wipers for the van. I went to the auto parts store and they had two kinds, $23 and $4. The $23 ones came in a biggish blue and yellow box, and the $4 ones came in a little red bag. The $4 ones only had one wiper in it. The $23 ones, since it was an oversized box, and $23, I assumed there were two.
I notice the $23 ones were the same brand as my old wipers, so I figured, “what the heck, I’ll spring for the good ones.”
So I shelled out the $23 ($23.99) for the good ones. I go out to install them. “OOOoooo! fancy! Wait, there’s only one in the box? OOOOooo! Shiny! OOoooo! It has a little blade protector!”
So I go back in and buy another one.
As I’m driving away, I realize that the second one rang up $24.99 instead of $23.99.
And that’s the story of how I got $50 windshield wipers.
And you know what? They’re not that great, streaky. The $4 ones probably would have been better.
In other news, IT’S FRIDAY! And I got a package from New Zealand that I’m picking up today! I wonder who could have sent me something from New Zealand?
Have a great weekend!
Naw, I’ve had them too long now
lol….hmmmm… that would be me!