Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the USA. I’m getting ready to go to work.
As we speak, there’s a comet going around the Sun. If it survives it’s trip, it may be very visible in the sky in December . I mentioned this comet before, and am reminding you again, as requested.

Comet ISON photographed via a telescope on November 8, 2013. Photo by Adam Block/Mount Lemmon SkyCenter/University of Arizona
When I first got to Cayman, I saw my first Comet, Comet Hale-Bopp. It was very cool. I look forward to seeing another comet, this time with my binoculars. I remember looking at Hale-Bopp, I felt like I couldn’t make my eyes focus on it properly, hard to explain. My brain didn’t trust my eyes I guess. I am looking forward to another chance to see a comet.
That’s it for today, have a good day off, if you’re off.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your family. Pity that you don’t have the day off but hope you have a good day.
Best wishes Molly
i do hope it makes it around! thanks, mark!
I wonder if we will be able to see it from here?
I remember years ago (1986) everyone going agog about Halley’s comet… which I didn’t see either.
I am keeping an eye on this one as well. I plan to break out my scopes for it.