Last night was the party. It was pretty fun. It was my wifes co-workers friends party, or something. I didn’t know too many people there, in fact, the people I had met before, I didn’t recognize, because of their costumes. But it was still fun. I really liked the cheap sunglasses my wife bought me.
I’m using WordPress’s new Gutenberg editor. Everything is supposed to be in boxes, that you can slide around using the arrows, except I don’t see any arrows… The WordPress app has been giving increasing problems, lots of images just don’t want to upload. Then, when I upload them using the WordPress admin page, (in the internet, using the browser), the app gives me an error message saying the image didn’t upload, even though it’s already there.
Right now, Im defrosting our chest-type freezer. I noticed the other day that the door doesn’t close all the way. This is the first time I’ve had to defrost it since we got it, I guess a year or more ago.
Also last night at the party, there were these lights in the parking lot. The Tesseract from the Avengers! When I put the camera close, the exposure made everything else not visible. A 13 second video by me:

Let’s see how Gutenberg does. Have a great day!
You do gonzo very well. The light cubes are good. At your feet is where you really need the light in a car park.
The cubes were just under waist high. I should have taken ond further away, so people could see what they really are.
Haha! Sounds like the party was lots of fun, even if you didn’t recognise anyone, they were probably wondering who you were too The boxes could be a wee bit confusing after a party
The party was definitely fun!