Well, the last 12 hours have not been good for New Zealand. Mass shooting. I’m at a loss for words, I have all kinds of thoughts, across a broad spectrum, usually followed by “Is that how I feel? That’s not right.” Then I think something on the other end of the spectrum followed by “Is that how I feel? That’s not now I feel either.”
I don’t care what someone’s religion is, as long as they don’t fuck with other people. But if they fuck with other people, they need to be dealt with. I doubt the people in those Mosques were messing with anyone.
I’ve always thought I had prejudice concerning people from India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Maldives and that general area. I seem I like them all. I like the way they talk, and I like the way they think, in that, when I’m talking to them, it’s enjoyable to me.
I never wondered if they were Hindu, Muslim, or any other religion, I have always liked them, primarily, I guess, because of their accent . I got a feeling of emotion, hearing the survivors and witnesses talking on the radio news this morning, because they sound like people I’d like.
Hopefully it’s all over and never happens again.
Happy Friday, have a great weekend.
It will never be over for those poor families who lost family or friends… and for our country as a whole. It is/was shocking, it has changed our little country forever.