Yesterday, the wife flew from here to Ft. Lauderdale, then from Ft. Lauderdale to San Diego. She landed in San Diego about 1AM Cayman time. I was awake and sent her a WhatsApp message15 minutes before she landed, but apparently, I fell asleep before she replied.

Then, I woke up about 3 AM, and and got out of bed about 4. (It’s 5:24 right now.) Now I’m getting really sleepy. I needed some good sleep, because there were things I wanted to get done today.
It is super windy and fairly cold right now. I can’t understand it. Nothing was in the weather report about a cold front moving through.
This is not what I intended for this post. Not sure what I had planned, but this isn’t in. My method, when I don’t have a pre-determined topic, is just start typing and then come up with the title later.
Anyway, I’m probably going to take a nap. I’ll have gotten up, taken a nap, and gotten back up again, all before most people even get up the first time. I’m kinda an over-acheiver like that….
Have a great day!