This morning, my alarm went off at the normal 4:45, I got up shaved and went for a walk / swim. (Curfew ended at 5AM). Then I came back home and took the dogs for their walk. Then, with permission in accordance with the alphabetical scheme, I went grocery shopping.
I bought dog food, cat food and human food. Then I came home, and haad my first cuppa coffee. Now I’m on my second cup, and I’m posting my daily post.
I’m getting pretty tired of this, and it’s only been about a week. I think it’s going to last a lot longer….

I read that one third of the planet is on lockdown.
Stay safe, and have a good day
The introverts of the world are saying, “Lockdown? What lockdown?”
Our country is in total lockdown too. Can’t say I’m tired of it yet though. It’s nice having Stew home.