I just finished this book and it was goooooood!!
It’s about this young man, Daniel, whose father takes him to “The Cemetery Of Forgotten Books” and Daniel picks a book to steward. As soon as word gets out that book exists, people are trying to get it. Especially this one scarface dude.
The.name.of the book Daniel selected is Shadow Of The Wind. Daniel tries to track down other books by the author and learn about him and a whole bunch of stuff happens.
Its a great plot with a lot of twists and action and romance. Very good guys and very bad guys. Highly highly recommended to read.
Last night my UPS started blaring out a siren in the middle of the night. It took me 10.minutes to figure out where the sound was coming from. Then my AC started making a noise like a jet throttling down the runway. I had to get up and adjust the air filter, which was “whistling”. through a gap because it wasn’t pushed in all the way. (I had an annual service done yesterday).
So last night was another night where the sleep could’ve been better
But I’m alright, Read that book!