Centepede Bite

Last evening I got bitten (stung?) on my 4th right toe by a centipede. I was on my front porch with my hair trimmers, minding my own business when suddenly, OW!

This was my first time getting bit by a centipede. It kept me awake at first I couldn’t even lay down comfortably. I woke up this morning feeling fine. The pain lasted for about 6 hours I reckon. I might have had a little fever too because it seemed kind of warmer than usual in the air conditioning last night.

The centipede did not survive the encounter

I don’t know the benefit of these creatures to earth, same as mosquitoes. What could do they serve? I guess there’s a reason but…..

Tomorrow is Friday! The week went by fast. I remember monday, the week looked daunting and huge. Unsurmountable.

4 thoughts on “Centepede Bite

  1. I’m sure there are many different kinds of centipedes. But I’ve been reading lately that you shouldn’t kill them as they are like spiders and kill all kinds of other bugs. But it’s hard not to smash the little suckers.

  2. Yes, I’ve heard centipedes supposedly can be beneficial to gardens. I don’t think I realized they would bite though.

    I thought mosquitos were just here to carry disease and help control the people population 🙂

    I was just reading today that army worms are starting to pop up around here.

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