Viruslike Advertising

The other day I was on YouTube and exited because I couldn’t close an ad. Even after I exited, the advertisement kept on playing even though I had closed YouTube and cleared all the running apps on my device. In this case, I hit the power button to stop the advertisement.

On my drink water app it will sometimes pop up an advertisement after I make an entry, but before I can enter the amount. This makes me use the app killer, then go back to enter the amount of water. I’m not going to watch a 30 second advertisement when it takes 5 seconds to make an entry on the app.

In the beginning days of computers, this was the goal of the virus. To take control of your device. To open a program that the owner of the machine could not shut down. Now the advertisers are using the virus techniques to run their advertising.

if you’re advertisement displays the qualities of a virus or a worm or a hijacker then it should be treated as if it actually is a virus a worm or a hijacker and you, the advertiser, are the bad guy.

let me guarantee you this, if you are an advertiser and you employ this virus like technique to try to force your ad upon me, I will boycott your product till the day I die and tell all my friends to do the same.

Be Advised.

2 thoughts on “Viruslike Advertising

  1. The Brave browser is an ad blocker browser. YouTube and Brave are in a running battle to see who can out-program the other one. Brave usually wins for the longest amount of time.

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