I broke My New Car

The key for my new car was one of those big old fat keys with buttons on it and whatnot. I like an old fashioned key that fits on my keychain. Also then I can put a spare key in my wallet.

Yesterday, I went to the hardware store and had a key made for my new car. When I was tested the new key it wouldn’t start and a key icon came on on the dashboard. Referring to the owner’s manual, the key is required to have the electronics in the big old black box on the key.

When I tried to take the locksmith key out of the ignition, it wouldn’t push in to go over to the lock position to come out. So I can’t get it out.

I suppose I might have to have the vehicle towed to the dealer to get the locksmith key taken out.

And of course it’s a Friday, so I doubt I’ll be driving my new car until next week. Rereading it above doesn’t sound like I’m as as stupid as I feel

At least I still have the van!

Have a good weekend!

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