Today China launched three astronauts to its own orbiting space station where they will stay for 6 months. China collected samples from the far side of the Moon. China is making great strides in it’s space program and in space. Because they’re putting in effort.
the director of NASA said that the United States and China are in a space race. What? It seems to me that NASA has been holding down the brake pedal of the space program for years. Nothing to replace the space shuttle, nothing to replace the International Space station which is due to be trashed soon. The US is not putting any effort in its space program.
How can you call it a race? The US is busy with its internal squabbles. Cranking up their deficit and getting nothing in return. The US looks like it’s not even not even trying to be in any race.
All talk, no action . Do they think the privately funded space programs are going to be faithful to the US needs? It can’t be relied on.
Happy rainy Wednesday.