Below are both ends of the check-in page on InSight Timer. You’re asked to check in when you open the app in the morning.

There’s other levels in-between, good, ok and bad. Only the best and worst are shown here. I have never, ever in more than a thousand check-ins selected anything below OK. 99.999% of the time, I select “Good” or “Great”.
But the reality, when I look at the lists above, a lot of the words on the “Great” list, I’d have a hard time defining if asked, On the “awful” list, well, I sure know what that all mean, AND I feel a lot of them daily, even though it’s a “good” or “great” day.
For the description, I usually select only grateful, because I don’t have, or am aware of feeling the others.
For example , yesterday I bought my tickets to Panama, I’m staying in a great place in the mountains and it’s going to be really good. I think. I should I should be able to select “excited”, on today’s, but I don’t, feel excited, I just feel like I always do.
The purpose of this is to point out the interesting observation, and maybe see if anyone else has a similar trait. (I find myself worried about my choice of words here, but I hope you know what I mean).
Have a great day!