
On my link list, is Facebook. It is really cool, because I have found lots of friends that otherwise I would have probably never have heard from again.

They made a big change lately that has most people pissed off. I like that on Blogger, if they make a change, the new people who sign up after the change get the newest version, but the oldsters get to keep their version.

I worry because a lot of the people on my “Blogs I Always Read” list seem to have quit updating their blogs. It has happened before. Soon I’ll have to go edit my list.

It’s laziness on my part, I put a lot of time in my blog, try to find new blogs, then I get a list and become complacent. The active bloggers slowly disappear and I don’t replace them.

The same thing happens here on this island, you’re new, you go out, make an effort to make new friends, create a circle of friends, then relax. Slowly the circle of friends gets smaller, and aren’t replaced. Pretty soon there’s only a few people that you’re close with, and it seems like the whole island is shrinking.

Life takes continual effort.

0 thoughts on “Facebook

  1. Life does take continual effort, doesn’t it .. and time flies. Those 2 components must be kept in mind at all times, otherwise, it’s very possible to wake up a lonely person.

  2. I love updating my blog, even with FB. I can add so much more on my blog than I can do with FB. So, you don’t have to worry about me. Updating my blog is like a strange addiction, but FB is, too. 🙂

  3. I really don’t like the new facebook. The continuous circle of life is as you have described it. I am able to update my blog on a regular basis now that I’m home, but when I go back to work … I’m gonna lapse again, but I’m gonna try to keep posting. I’ve been blogging since 2004 … and I’m still here.