Estudio Espanol

One of my New Years resolutions is to study Spanish. I have the Rosetta Stone CD. I’ve been getting up early and studying. What doesn’t impress me is that it doesn’t seem to remember where you were or what you’ve done, and the voice they play to speak Spanish is too fast and sounds like Mickey Mouse on helium, even at the slow speed. Also, when it records me, it cuts off the first half second of what I say, even though I wait for the beep. This means the beep has nothing to do with the recording, it activates when it hears my voice.
We’ll see how it goes.
Usually the mass marketed stuff is a disappointment.

0 thoughts on “Estudio Espanol

  1. At least you're following through with your resolution! I still haven't come up with any! And believe me, there's plenty of room for improvement! 😉