Glen W. Bell Jr., founder of the Taco Bell chain, died Saturday night at his home in Rancho Santa Fe. He was 86. In 1978, he sold his 868 Taco Bell restaurants to PepsiCo for $125 million in stock. He had suffered from Parkinson’s disease for three decades before he died.
You can see the influence of the big corporation owning the business. All the new fancy weird combos and things like 7 Layer Burritos and fried stuff. After so long, it seems odd to call them new. But I remember when Taco Bell just had Tacos and Burritos basically. My favorite things there are still the things that were on Mr. Bells original menu. Gimme gimme a half a dozen plain ol tacos please!
Well, that is just weird. I totally had a craving for The Bell yesterday and it was SO GOOD! Most certainly one of my favorite fast food places!! And SO CHEAP!
I remember when it was just a basic taco joint too! It was much better!I'll bet what killed him was the invention of the "Taco Bell Diet".
Just had to come back and say that I am eating Taco Bell for lunch AGAIN today!
I love me some Taco Bell too cuz I can get just about anything on the menu made vegetarian!I really find it hard to believe you eat fast food at all!