It made me burp. Quite a bit.
I am pretty sure I bought this before I got married, I can’t imagine The Wife buying it.
I wonder what I’ll do for dinner tonight. I think I’ll conduct experiments comparing the belch production rates of Hormel Turkey Chili VS the No Beans VS With Beans.
I’d have to run to the store though….
Maybe I’ll just have a sandwich.
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I love chili ….but not from a can …ick!
We too love to eat very spicy Calabrian, our pepper we use in many dishes !!!!!!!!!
if you arent sure when you bought it maybe you shouldnt eat it
canned chili?..excuse me? really?…canned chili..holy fuckme…hope you don't die
That can of Chilie looks really gross to me. And being old…well that seals the deal for me. yuck.Bring on the ham sandwhich!! lol…debbie