Happy Monday To You

Monday, the first full week of 2013. Today all the vacationers should be back at work, traffic will be terrible and it will be a Monday to make Mondays proud. I just want to keep my nose buried in work and be unaware of the happenings outside the confines of my desk area. Just keep to myself and get this day out of the way.

I was all pissed off last night at the Redskins suicide loss, but now I’m just sad. Pathetic. Now I can go to the beach or go diving instead of watching football. Maybe I’ll watch on Sunday…

It was a good weekend, I stayed home, the wife had to work Saturday, and I floated in the pool and smoked cigars. I didn’t leave the house all weekend.

Here’s some pictures from last weeks lunchtimes. Pics make the post!







kayak towing service

kayak towing service

5 thoughts on “Happy Monday To You

  1. That was a rough way to lose. I didn’t really care who won either game, but it stinks that the ‘Skins lost their QB and the Vikings had to play the entire game without theirs on Saturday.

    I’ll be paying a bit more attention to tonight’s college national championship.

  2. as you know my son now roots for the skins because of RGII, he never missed one of his games when he played for Baylor. Yes, he would have been happier if he went to the Cowboys but he roots for them..and his wife too..she was having a stroke when Shanahan kept letting him play…like she said..it’s not like they have a no nothing back up..he’s good..such a mess..I feel your pain..have to admit, it was weird rooting for the skins..sorry they lost..really.

  3. Glad you had a good weekend. Smokin Stogies in the pool is the way to be.

    Don’t get me started on the Redskins game. You were disappointed? I was in tears here. I agree with you. That was Pathetic…and further on the minus side, I hate the Seahawks with a passion. Here is hoping they get slammed next round.

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