Itsanuther Monday.

Rainy morning today, we needed it. A cold front moved through very suddenly and quickly yesterday evening.

Heres some random pictures from the phone. My breakfast yesterday, fruit toast and raspberry banana smoothie (and coffee). Lenny, acting like he’s not watching me, and a picture of my Kindle, we live in the sky.

.Soon I’ll be headed off to work on a good day for working. Have a good week

A Monday Again

it was a good weekend Has the work Xmas party, some yard work (I have a severe weed problem I need to do something about) I also finished modifying my new roof drain strainer and it’s installed.

I cut the notches in the bottom , otherwise the water would have to get about a half inch deep before it started draining.

Tonight is the Veterans Xmas party. I’m looking forward to that quite a bit. I want to buy new shoes today.

Have a wonderful week!

Small Business Holiday Matket

It was a nice weekend. I went diving yesterday. Friday afternoon I went to a first night of Chanukah event. On Saturday I went to the Small Business Market. It was quite nice. I imagine myself doing something similar with wood.. Make something I could sell…

Here it’s been raining all night and it continues to pour. I didn’t see it coming!

Happy Monday , have a great week!

Rainy Weekend

We had a lot of rain this weekend. Steady rain for hours and, very rare around these parts. I enjoyed it. People complained a lot, but I pointed out how rare this type of rain was, and they agreed.

Had some people over Saturday night, cooked on my new grill for the first time, (It’s probably been here 6 months, unused till this weekend)

Sunday I went to a party, Welcome back, summer is over, get them kids back to school party. A 10 month old baby girl had a crush on me.

And now it’s a sunny Monday back to work day.

Have a great week!

Visitor Leaves Today

I’m sad to see my visitor go. I had a great time and hope she did too.

It was a good almost-a-week.

I had requested another vacation day today, but I kind of withdrew it before it was approved. My co-workers wife was in a traffic accident and he is taking time be with her.

Happy Monday! Make it a good one!

Kings Birthday Holiday

today is the bank holiday for the Kings birthday. Happy Birthday!

I’m off today.

It was qgood weekend. Friday i played pickleball, it was an informed, fun tournament. We (my pickleball partner Eden and I) played against some very good players.

Saturday was the mile sea swim. Below are my only pictures Random of the starting area and me and a swimmer named Harper who came in first female overall. I didn’t know i was chatting with the champion before the race!

Yesterday, i loaded up and headed out to go diving, but i mis read the calendar and the dive I was looking for was last week So I had a big breakfast and came home and took a nap. It was a good idea!.

Now it’s a Monday morning, I’m working on my first cuppa coffee and the sky is the limit for today.

Have a good one!

USA Memorial Day

I had a nice weekend. Saturday i took it easy in the morning and swam the 800 meter race in the afternoon. I came in second in my age group, which is good for me. i did it in about 19.minutes 10 seconds, but forgot to stop my monitor at the end. The blue and black pic shows my pace, and you can see when I stopped. It was a rough swim with a waves in the face second half.

Yesterday I did my morning Ashtanga class, then a breakfast and coffee, beach, and cleaned the inside of my car while the dawgies played in the yard.

And today is back to work, no holiday here!

Have a great summer!

Typical Monday Post

Happy Monday! This is my first working Monday in 3 weeks. Last two were holidays, Discovery Day and the Kings Coronation.

Above are your typical underwater pictures, pretty vase sponges, a couple of tiny underwater denizens and a squid, then a baby lionfish. Ending with your typical eyeball of conch.

After diving and lunch, i came home and napped and read and finished The Candy House, which i didn’t particularly enjoy. Maybe I’ll tell you about it tomorrow.

I didn’t do any of my home projects, again. I’m hot worried about.

And now it’s off to work. Hava great week!

Divine Purpose

I took a 2 day class this weekend, Finding Our Divine Purpose, or to me, what do I want to be when I grow up? It was very emotionally in depth and soul searching. And everybody shared sensitive information about themselves and the vulnerability was very rewarding.

I thought I was the only one who didn’t have it all together, now I know there are at least eight of us.

I took my busted watch back to the store. I don’t expect to hear back from them unless i call. They plainly said the warranty covers everything except water damage. Even though it’s a swim watch, it’s a phone store and my watch, wrong or right, falls under their broad policy.

So its Monday, and I feel pretty neutral about the upcoming week. I hope to be pleasantly surprised.