Apps To Never Update


It really bugs me when updates to your favorite app ruins it. On my device(s), I have a “Never Update” list, because the update ruins the app.

On top there is ES File Explorer. It’s similar to “My Computer” on Windows. But it has/had other features. Like the ability to back up an app and save it as an APK file on your drive. This feature is the main reason the apps ruined by updates aren’t uninstalled. If I hate the update, I can install the old version from my backup.
The  latest version of ES File Explorer take this feature out of the app. Degraded the app considerably.

Spite and Malice is a card game I really enjoy, the newer version, year or two ago, added all these fancy graphics and perfume and glitter that I didn’t like. This was before ES backup was available, so I emailed the Spite and Malice developer complaining and was emailed the old version. That was very nice. I am a truly loyal fan because of that.

UC Browser  isn’t that great. Memory warnings come up when you use it for a while, Their newest update wants to add “identity” to the permissions, that seems to be the purpose of the update.. My answer is “Why?” UC Browser was on my boycott list for years after an update put what I thought was spyware links on my machine. I was using Dolphin Browser for a long time. I’m thinking about switching back.

That’s about it for today. It’s already Friday in New Zealand!

8 thoughts on “Apps To Never Update

  1. Actually we need a teleporter, so that we can teleport to New Zealand on Thursday morning, stay there till Sunday night and teleport back so we can catch Sunday in Cayman! Instant 3 day weekend!

  2. 8 inches of snow here yesterday! You get any down that way?

    I may have to try Spite and Malice. Always looking for a new app to kill a little time. Although if I’m only gonna get the crappy new version…

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