I have a sprout for a clump of Lemon Grass that I’m trying to grow. I discovered her eating it, several times. I don’t try to stop her, because she likes it. But I hope she doesn’t kill it. Lemon grass smells fantastic, and I’ve heard that you can make tea out of it.
It was a good weekend, albeit rainy. I picked up the wife Saturday afternoon and it’s good to have her home. And I got a passing grade in my taking care of her plants while she was gone!
Sunday I watched American football.

It was a quiet, stay at home lazy weekend. A good one.
Now to have a great week, rain predicted till Wednesday.
We’re not football fans here so all the noise about it doesn’t matter much to us. Now, Norwegian downhill skiing? We’ll watch that. 😉
Your Ashy looks very much like our Smokey. “Smokes” is no longer with us, but we had to watch him around the house plants, too. He loved chasing the flowers hanging on the spider plants.
My wife wanted a grey cat named Ashy for years, finally, Ash came to us, a stray at the Ritz Carlton hotel!
I’m not trying to stop Ashy from eating the Lemon Grass, I just hope she doesn’t kill it.
The three footballs are…
American football,
Rugby football, and…
AsSOCiation football – also known as SOCcer. I think they should have called it ASSer.
I disagree, Americans call football soccer, but it’s the only one where you don’t use your hands. Rugby and American football, hands are used, therefore it’s not football.
Seems like Ashy found something good to munch on. Wonder if the newness will wear off eventually.
I don’t think so, it smells incredibly good. Very strong!
I’ve never heard of cats being interested in lemon grass. I am a bit surprised as the scent can be quite strong.
It is, VERY strong!