It’s a cloudy day, raining steady, with thunder. Quite pleasant, actually.

can you find the cat?
The wife comes home tomorrow! Tomorrow morning she flies from Edinbourgh Scotland to London, then London to Cayman, with a one hour stop in the Bahamas. She has Friday and the weekend off, then Monday she starts her new job at the National Gallery. Hopefully enough time to get over her jet lag. She has had a wonderful, fun trip. I’ll be glad to have her safe at home again.
I’ve been looking for more blogs to follow, I’ve been adding to my numbers, leaving a few comments. There seems to be a new breed of bloggers out there. They like my comment on their blog, They may reply, on their blog, to my comment. But few come here and comment. It leads me to confirm my belief that this blog isn’t very good, just a boring diary kind of blog. This blog certainly doesn’t seem to fit into any category, except maybe “postaday”, which makes it hard to find other blogs similar to mine. Almost no blogs are as old as this one though. Bloggers come and go I guess. I can go back to my posts from 10 years ago, look at the comments, and almost all of their blogs are gone or inactive. That’s too bad for them (and me, beause I miss them and consider them friends). I have always said that Facebook is good for finding old friends and a blog is good for making new ones.
I like my blog, an I’m going to keep going forever, at least till I die!
Have a great day, and stay dry!
…she must be a supper lady, it takes me days to get over jet lag.
I read your blog every day and have been since finding it a long time ago. I stopped posting on my blog because I ran out of things to post about. I enjoy what you write about and also enjoy the photos as well.
You have been blogging a similar length of time to me I think… maybe slightly longer. And as you know, I blog every day. Just boring shit mostly! But I love it too. I love it when you do photos of your Island/home/animals/water sports etc. I really appreciate it when you pop over and leave me a comment. They always make me smile. I no longer read many blogs! I had far too many on my reading list, now I only read a few. YOU are one of the few! *smiles* Have a lovely day.
I just checked… you have been blogging 18 months longer than me!