Below is a crossword puzzle, it comes three times a week in our 3 time weekly newspaper.

Below is NOT a crossword puzzle, in my opinion. It is a completely different animal, and isn’t fun to do. It comes once a week in our once a week Friday paper.

Why is the top one a crossword and the second one not? I don’t know. The above style ones are just creepy and they’re not any fun.
Do you do crosswords? Maybe you feel the same way? I don’t know what makes them so different. Their construction process?

Have a happy Tuesday and a good week!
first one = every other row and every other column is not a word… annoying.
Yeah! You’re absolutely right! In the Not-A-Puzzle, there are letters that are not part of two words. That’s what makes it NOT a crossword puzzle! In a real crossword, ever letter is part of two words.