Did I Mention Our New Hot Tub?


Couple weeks ago, we got a new hot tub. The wife had been wanting one, but I really wasn’t a fan.

I gotta say, it’s growing on me.

First we were gonna keep it cool, because, who needs a hot tub in the tropics, right? Then we decided to try the heat. It’s nice, because the water is hot when you get get in, but you get used to it really fast, then when you get out, it seems nice and cool.

Plus a little hot tub action before bed, followed by a cool shower, really helps you (me) sleep!

Weekend’s over, no more holidays till November. Back to work, ugh!

Havva goodun!

2 thoughts on “Did I Mention Our New Hot Tub?

  1. oooh that’s cool….my son is going to get one too…they’ve been wandering around the yard for weeks trying to figure out where to put it…decisions to go to war have taken less time.

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