Family Trees

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Last night, a friend of mine was looking at a bunch of old photos. Old Photos, like some from the 50’s on up. There was one picture he didn’t know who it was. I told him to make notes on the back of the photos, because now it was one photo unknown, in a year it will be more, till nobody knows who anyone is in the photos. But the whole thing made me start thinking about my family. On my Mothers side, my Aunt made a family tree. It’s like a whole book. On my Fathers side, I mentioned it to my cousin once and we wrote down what we knew, but nothing too in-depth. I think it’s something that should be done, trace the lineage back, but it’s the kind of thing I procrastinate about till it’s too late. And as time goes by, information is lost.

Here’s a picture of a leaf I took yesterday on the beach. It kind of fits the subject.

0 thoughts on “Family Trees

  1. I was visiting my grandmother a long time ago when the power went out. It was a beautiful thunderstorm, but not too intense, so we opened all of the windows and spread out all of her photo albums. Some were from the late 1800s. Even though there were people in that book that I had never even heard of, I was so glad that she had written their names on the backs of all the pictures.That’s why I have identified everyone in every picture I own–even myself. Who knows who will come upon them one day…

  2. Good plan, to trace your family tree. Once you get started it’s kinda addictive. Also good idea to write names on pictures. My mom is currently going through some of her old ones and can’t remember some of the names to go with the faces. And some are destined to be unknown forever, since my grandparents are gone and they would have known who some of those people are.

  3. Good plan, to trace your family tree. Once you get started it’s kinda addictive. Also good idea to write names on pictures. My mom is currently going through some of her old ones and can’t remember some of the names to go with the faces. And some are destined to be unknown forever, since my grandparents are gone and they would have known who some of those people are.