People sometimes ask me if I’m excited about going to Panama. I’m not sure I know what that means, excitement. I am looking forward to going, I want to go. But also I am planning the trip and trying to not forget anything and maybe I’m worried about something going wrong during the trip. It seems I’m more aware of potential problems. I’m quite sure I’m going to have a good time, it’s a given practically. I’m focused trying to be ready for any situation and not forget anything. Is that fear? Worried about fitting a week’s worth of clothes in a carry-on suitcase. Technically, worry is fear.
I don’t think it’s emotional at all. I don’t think it’s excitement or fear. I think it’s just logic making sure the necessities are covered.
This morning, I was listening to a guided meditation, and it asked how I felt. My answer was “the same as always”. Then I realized that wasn’t really an answer. Then I started wondering how I felt, and didn’t really find myself able to come up with a satisfactory answer. Which I thought was Interesting.
I’ll be getting ready for my Panama trip this weekend, I’m going on Monday. Yay! I’m so excited.
Have a great weekend!
Reading your words has made me think, maybe living is just learning there are more and more things to be concerned with as you go. Ugh. Have a great trip!
Im not sure becoming more and more “concerned” (worried, fearful etc) is the way to proceed. Increased faith that everything is going to work out fine and that we are being taken care by the universe would be more indicative of progress as we grow older.
Good advice!
Don’t worry about labels. Relax. Enjoy.