First off, it is with great sadness I report the death of one of the rescue divers in the Thailand Boys Stuck In A Cave situation. It changes the tone of everything.

Sanan Gunan, former Thai Navy diver and hero who gave his life for others.
Yesterday I went snorkeling for first time in fins since “the accident”. They were fine, my foot started getting sore after about a half hour, so I headed in.
It was pretty wavy, and the visibility wasn’t too good, but I took a few pictures.

Boxfish and friend

The same boxfish.

A plain ‘ol fish.
In fact, that’s just about all the pictures I took…
Glad it’s Friday, it seemed long, for a short week. Tomorrow I plan on changing out our two upstairs outside doors and doorframes, all the way to the brick. I have a rotten door frame. I have a friend who knows what he’s doing doing it and I’m helping.
Last night, I rode my scooter for the first time in about two months. It was a pain to start, the break lever is sitcky and the kickstand is in need ot a lube job. I also broke the plastic next to the gas cap, because the cap wouldn’t go back on properly after I got gas.
My wife needs a new phone. I think I’m going to go get her one as a surprise today. A Galaxy S9.
I’ve been wanting to get her one for a while, and she keeps telling me to wait. I’ll wait till after I go to the bank this morning…. Supposed to have an excellent camera!
Have a great weekend!
…it’s always to have a friend who knows what he’s doing!
So sad about the diver who died. I can’t believe they took the young lads down there in the first place, during monsoon season!! Looks like you had fun snorkeling Mark, must have felt good to be in the water. Your wife will love the new Galaxy S9 the camera is indeed fantastic!
I agree with Tom, it is always great having somebody who knows what they are doing. Then you can say, “and I helped”. Nice fish photos, I always like underwater photography.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Strange fish with friend. It’s a good choice of phone.
I was really sad to read about the rescue diver dying… and I have grave fears for those children and their coach getting out of there alive. I love the phone, I want a new one too… but I dare not cos I would lose my current 2048 + game! My score is 143,911,672 so far! I’ve been playing this current game for 2 years now. I would lose it if I changed phones I’m told.