Fourth Wing

Up to the halfway point, I thought this book was five stars. After the halfway point the romance overtook the plot and all was lost. One of the most disappointing books I have ever read. I just couldn’t wait for it to end. Biggest crash-and-burn ever. I’m sorry I don’t have anything nicer to say about this book. I gave it two stars on Goodreads

4 thoughts on “Fourth Wing

  1. That’s like a lot of TV shows. They start off with a great season, then they start “developing” the characters.

    • I remember a show that started off with the contestants performing dangerous feats but then the show morphed into just eating gross stuff

  2. Your review is similar to my reaction to suddenly discovering the channel I am watching has gone over to a drippy-sweet movie. After catching up and getting fed up with the day’s news, we’re into solving murders and biographies. Well, we throw in a bit of customs enforcement (To Catch a Smuggler), too, because we went through immigration so many times while working. It’s amazing what stupid things people do, then are amazed when caught….

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