
I’m Glad it’s Friday, I’m working tomorrow morning, some CayTronics stuff, then a noonish wedding, then the reception. Should be a full day.
My old backpack died yesterday. My KISS Rebreather backback finally bit the dust. I had to move into an even older DaKine backpack that I had.
It’s freaking hot already, 7:15 and I can feel the sweat dripping down my chest.
I ran and swam every morning this week except once. That’s partly why I’m sweating I think, even though I showered, I didn’t really cool down.
I’m really looking forward to this weekend.


4 thoughts on “G.I.F.

  1. I hope you have a great weekend, too! I also have to work a bit on edits this weekend, but also plan to kick back a little, too!

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