Good Stuff: Simple Green

Back when I was actively teaching scuba in Virginia Beach, and working on diving equipment, we could only use Simple Green to O2 clean the inside of scuba tanks and dive gear. (Petroleum product contamination is a fire hazard under high concentrations of oxygen)

So, just the other month, I saw some and picked up a gallon to use as dishwashing soap. Since then, I’ve been using it everywhere. I put a little in a gallon of water for windshield washer fluid, great! I put it in my hand soap dispenser in my bathroom, seems fine for washing hands.

I bought a gallon, thinking it would last for ever, and already I’m getting ready to need more.

Try it, you’ll like it!

This is from my list of emergency post topics.

Have a happy hump day!

2 thoughts on “Good Stuff: Simple Green

    • Interesting, seems like more fish died after an oil spill with a Simple Green cleanup than no cleanup at all? That can’t be right.

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