
Today I’m glad to just be sitting here with a cup of coffee. I woke up before the alarm, about an hour before, and couldn’t get back to sleep. Right now I’m tired but I feel very calm.

My electric bill this month was $324. That’s almost double what it was for June last year. I think the reason is 2 air conditioners running instead of just one. Is the apartment in the house. We haven’t even hit the hot months yet.

Elsa continues to move north. Looks like my old homestead, Chesapeake Virginia, is going to get some rain.

Tonight is movie night at the Weston, I think we have a good movie and good weather so it’ll probably happen. I’m going to get there pizza probably, Their jerk chicken was good. , someone gave me a slice a couple weeks ago. Jerk chicken pizza! Yeah baby!

Have a great pre-Fridayday!