A week or so ago, I saw the really nice article above, about a farmer’s wife who lost her ring in the garden. 16 years later, they found it. It was so sweet, I screen grabbed it and saved it.
The story was on the bottom of a website, you know, the nice ones to lure you on with cute stuff and keep you with their affiliates. Funny how they mention the odds against it ever happening again.
Yesterday, I saw this on Facebook. Not a friends post, but a FB “you might like this” type thing:
C’mon, somebody’s full of crap. The second story ruined my sweet, sentimental first story.
What do you think? One real, one fake? Both fake? Th second story is definitely disappointing for me.
As I write this, hurricane Eta is coming ashore in Nicaragua, see the picture below, Cayman is in the cone… Right now here it’s super windy and rainy, but probably not from Eta, but maybe part of the same system.

My exercises were indoors this morning and the dog walk got cut short because of rain. Hurricane season ends at the end of November. Bring it.
Stay dry and check your carrots before eating them, apparently they’re infested with diamond rings lately. I don’t want you to bust a tooth!
If your ring is missing, go dig up your garden.