Labor Day in the USA

I’m here, ready for work, while it’s a holiday in the USA. I sure could use a holiday right now. I am tired and the weekend seemed too short. I mean seriously, isn’t today Sunday? What happened to Saturday?
Plus the weather has been sucking a big one. Clouds and rain forever and ever amen. Our trip to Key Largo was only three weeks ago, and it seems like forever.

Good news is that my Mom is coming down in the middle of this month. And some other friends are coming in January!

I received my books for my course, and have to start that pretty soon.

And that’s my daily grumble for today!

Have a good week!

4 thoughts on “Labor Day in the USA

    • The course is called “Introduction to Ethical Hacking” about hacking into computers and networks.
      I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. Never figured it out.

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