Last of the Kittiwake Photos (for now)


How I got there

The Bow

The Stern

On the Bow, looking aft

Bow from near the bridge wing

Looking forward past the bridge
Dived her today. It’s a nice wreck to dive. It’s too shallow though, you can stand on the wreck and be up to your chest in water. About 60 feet to the bottom.

0 thoughts on “Last of the Kittiwake Photos (for now)

  1. Mark, it's like 1.30am on Saturday mornign here, I'm pissed as a chook, been playing poker with the boys (sons and son-in-law) but I just wanted to say so sorry you lost your brother that way, it must have been dreadful to go through.. I know the feeling. You never get over it. For your brother to be murdered is even kinda worse!!! I hope they caught the bastard! {{{HUGS}}}As I said.. it's really late, I'm like rather drunk… which only happens once in a blue moon that (being drunk). But I am sorry about your brother. I have lost both of mine. It sucks. Much love. Chris H

  2. Enjoyed the underwater photos of Kittiwake. Can you swim inside the ship? Wonder why it's in shallow waters? I thought they would go deeper. But…what do I know…debbie