Seems like a long time since I posted a post, it was only last Friday, but it seems long ago. I guess that’s a sign of a good weekend.
Didn’t do much. Sunday, every NFL American Football Team I like got beat.

Saturday night the wife and I went to a “One Man Play With Audience Participation”. It was quite interesting, had potential, but it was a littlt too serious for my Saturday night. The actor was portraying a little boy whose mom attempted suicide and he made her a list of the most excellent things. I believe the name of the play was “The Most Excellent List”
And that’ll do’er for today, have a great week!
Was the cat transfixed on watching NFL too? Crazy cat. I don’t like the sound of that play either.
No, tha cat has much more important things to do than watch the NFL!
The play had good comedy, but it was against a dark background, if you know what I mean.