It was quite a busy weekend. Friday night/ Saturday morning, we had a little mini hurricane in our yard. It knocked over a little tree in our front yard, broke off biggish tree branches, none on which hurt anything. Knocked over four of my banana plants, two of which had bananas. They should be OK, as they seemed undamaged (except for being uprooted) and I built props and propped them back up. Also the ministorm kinda wrecked the privacy screens on the porch railings upstairs. And flinged the outdoor furniture around. Below is a pre dawn video I took.
So, on Saturday, I cleaned up the yard, and went with the wife to pick up an orchid she won in a raffle, at the Botanic Park, stopped by another ladys house to drop off and pick up some other plants, had lunch at Casa 43, did some grocery shopping.

Sunday I cleaned up the back porch and last night went to see the Roger Waters. The music was good, no musicians recognizable except Roger Waters himself. And to me, during the second half, he was hatemongering with a heavy political agenda. It made me wonder where David Gilmoure and the rest of the Pink Floyd crew were that Roger Waters had to go it alone with to me, seemed like a bunch of rental musicians. I’ll have to do more research today.

And now it’s time for work and dropping the kids off at Dawgie Day Care. Have a good week!