It is a cold, gray, lugubrious windy day.
It would be a good day to stay home in bed. That front you can see in yesterdays pictures became stationary, so now we’re stuck under a cloudbank.
Yesterday, my main USB memory stick died. I had a lot of stuff on it, and my last backup was quite a long time ago.
I’m going to have to try and find another…
Today at work I have to get my airside drivers license renewed, so I can drive where the airplanes are. I have driven airside exactly once since I’ve been working at the airport… But you never know when you’ll need it.
Have a good day!
Well one good thing is tomorrow it is Friday. RIP USB memory stick and we hope the airside drivers license is renewed with no problems. Have a tremendous Thursday.
Best wishes Molly
bummer on the drive dying!
It sounds as if the weekend can’t come fast enough there. I hope it’s enjoyable.
I have no knowledge of memory stick….do they have one for pld people??