Morning Routine

I have a fairly fixed morning routine. I get up about 5 till 5. After the bathroom, i take my medicine (blood pressure, vitamins etc). Then I make sure the dogs have food and water, check and water the indoor plants if necessary.

Then its time to feed the outdoor cats and walk and exercise the dogs. We walk almost exactly a mile, usually running between every other street light. Then when we get back it’s time for my exercise and meditation.

After that is lovey dovey time for the dogs. This is more their idea than mine. I pet them wrestle them a little and give them attention and they’re jumping and licking and loving it. Afterwards it’s shower time, and I make coffee while I get dressed for the day.

Then Duolingo (500+ day streak!) and post my post on this blog. And out the door by 7, check the yard and off to work!

That’s my morning routine, almost everyday, almost unchanging.

Have a great day!