Left the dogs at home this morning and went for a swim. It was cold when I got out of the sea, strong wind from the northish. Winter is coming. It was nice walking home after I got out of the breeze.
Yesterday I put the shock collars on the dogs. It has ranges from 0 (test mode) and 1 thru 5 minimum to max. Yesterday I put it on 3, which, according to the instructions is vibrate, sound and no shock. They seemed to bark with normal annoyance.
This morning I put the collars on 2, which surprisingly, is vibrate, sound and small shock. 4 is more shock, and 5 is maximum shock. I don’t know why 3 skips the shock. Perhaps a mistake in the instructions. I’m going to YouTube it when I can.
Lookin pretty clear, weatherwise. Think I’ll ride the scooter.
Have your wife try them out. I’m sure she’ll understand when you tell her to bark like a dog.