Long time ago, I read a book, Far Tortuga. It’s really good, but hard to understand the language. Yesterday, I saw some small islets that I was hoping were the Miskita Cays, mentioned a lot in the book.

When I got to the internet, I found that they weren’t, Miskita Cay is further south. But I wasn’t able to find out what islands they were. I found them on Google Earth, but not the names. Looks like a place I’d like to visit, that and Miskita Cay. (As long as there isn’t too many Miskitas)

Any of you fishermen out there know which islands these are?
We got to the in-laws house Ok yesterday, and tomorrow my mom arrives! She’s gonna love Costa Rica!
Here’s some research I came up with. First, the definition of… “An archipelago sometimes called an island group or island chain, is a chain, cluster or collection of islands, or sometimes a sea containing a small number of scattered islands.
Then, on page one of this PDF, an explanation of Miskito Cays off of Honduras. https://xray-mag.com/pdfs/articles/Travel_MiskitoCays_GeorgeStoyle_59_locked.pdf
The PDF is great! Dream dive trip!