pickle bagel

The OI Girl and I had a minor (extremely minor) conflict this morning. She said she wasn’t having cereal this morning. I said but… but… we always have cereal.
She said not today, she was having a pickle.
I said “A pickle! that’s a weird breakfast!”
She said she didn’t say pickle, she said she said bagel.
I said ‘no you didn’t, you said pickle.’
She: “Well, I’m having a bagel.”
Me: “Well, you said pickle, you can’t change your mind now, you’ve made the commitment, now it’s your obligation to have a pickle.”
Just then the toaster made a noise.
I said “I think your pickle popped up!”
She got up and came back with a bagel and began putting cream cheese on it.
I guess I lost the battle.
(I knew she said bagel the whole time)

0 thoughts on “pickle bagel

  1. I am a stern believer that women have selective hearing. They only hear what they want and they twist the other things to fit their needs. Therefore I think they should have to take some every now and then as well.