Above is this morning’s Sahara (dust) sunrise. If you zoom in you can see the Crescent Moon above and to the right of the telephone pole.
During the day, the skies are white instead of blue. Not really hazy, just a white sky instead of blue. The sky is blue in this picture, but trust me, it won’t last. It’s good weather anyway, I’m not complaining, just stating the facts. Sahara dust.

Above in the orange pot is a plant that had died completely, and is making a comeback from nothingness. I don’t know why I kept on watering the pot after the plant had died but I did, and left it in the house instead of putting it in the flower pot pile in my back porch. I’m looking forward to a healthier, stronger plant and I had before. These are opening right now, I think I’ll be able to show you next week.
Aaaaaand it’s almost Friday, Glad for that. Have a great day!