It was a good weekend. Got a lot of rest, went out to a good dinner at a fantastic Indian Restaurant, and watched the SpaceX Dragon land successfully in the Gulf Of Mexico. I wonder how much NASA has to pay Mexico for permission to land in their gulf?

I was very happy they made it home safely. I almost shed a tear of joy when they re-gained radio contact after the firey re-entry and another when the parachutes deployed properly. Two tears shed, almost. Seriously, I’m glad they made it home OK. I remember my mother started crying when they first blasted off to return from the moon, I asked her why she was crying and she said that because if they couldn’t lift off, they’d be stuck on the moon and they’d die there. That was an eye-opener for me.

I went for a little snorkle yesterday evening, it was quite enjoyable. As you can tell from the picture above, I took a selfie. I’m waving, telling you to have a good week!
Relieved those people made it home too. Would have been a horrible way to die I think. Now. Mark. HOW ABOUT YOU SHOW US THE NEW ADDITION to the house properly eh??? Asking ever so nicely.