I didn’t really follow the Olympics this time. What caught my attention most was the boxing, where the gender was in question of some of the contestants. If the contestant in question was born female, with a female passport etc etc etc, why was this contestant eliminated from previous events because of gender?
Also the open water swimming in the polluted river. The Olympics had the surfing portion in the Tahitian Islands. Why not have the triathlons and swimming there?
I understand there was the break dancing in the olympics?? Is that a sport?
I read an article recently about it not being worthwhile for a city to host the Olympics, The expense is millions on stadiums and facilities and then after the Olympics those stadiums and facilities are not used. The article went on to state that only two cities volunteered to host the Olympics. It used to be many cities wanted to host the Olympics.
But like I said, I have not followed the Olympics I see the clickbait headlines on the internet browser, I don’t know if my opinion is accurate or not. But the Olympics seem pretty disappointing for someone who didn’t even really look.
Happy Monday have a great day!
I enjoyed the Olympics. Gave me something to watch every day for a couple of weeks. The swimmers getting sick from the Seine was crazy though! Not sure about the breakdancing, as what very little I watched, it seemed they were no better than my cousin was in 1987. Now, admittedly, he was pretty good.
I didn’t see any exit where I saw on Twitter.