The Lost 10 Minutes

I didn’t post yesterday,, I was running 10 minutes late for some inexpicable reason Day befoore yesterday, I posted and look at my watch and it was 10 minutes later than I expected.

Something in my morningis consumning an extrea 10 minutes.

On a different note, I like my Kindle Scribe, but I’m pretty peeved that my case was lost. Amazon said they’d email in 48 hours and they haven’t. The Scribe seems pretty worthless without the case. I don’t expect to get the caae I ordered, and I didn’t want to order another of the same, in case it was a purposeful fipoff. So I ordered two different cases, in case one gets ripped off again. If I get both, maybe on will fit inside the other… Insane.

Anyway, it’s Saturday night, late. I’ll talk to you Monday morning, unless I lose the 10 minutes again.