The Plane & Helicopter

The aircraft was making a normal landing. The helicopter flew into the plane. The helicopter was on an exercise wearing night vision goggles. At 200 ft with night vision goggles in that location every headlight, street light, every light period would have been a blazing, blinding starburst. There’s entirely too much light in that environment to be wearing night vision goggles. I think the pilot of the helicopter couldn’t see where he was going. And ran into the plane.

It upsets me they seem to be trying to blame air traffic control. I feel like it is human error wholly on the part of the helicopter pilot.

it is a terrible tragedy. When I fly, I always ask for the window seat. I’m always looking out the window during takeoffs and landings and most of the flight. I’m sure at least some of the passengers saw the helicopter as it hit the plane.

Horrific . Condolences to the families and all those involved.

2 thoughts on “The Plane & Helicopter

  1. agreed … they’re blaming air traffic controllers and it seems pretty obvious what happened. Can get even dumber though, and try to blame the fact that too many ATC’s aren’t white men.

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